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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Pier 4 in Old San Juan gets Wi-Fi

By The Star Staff

Puerto Rico Ports Authority Executive Director Joel A. Pizá Batiz, announced that, for the first time in its history, Pier 4 in Old San Juan will have public wireless internet service (Wi-Fi), an innovation that places the Port of San Juan in competition with many other cruise ports, in terms of technological infrastructure.

The upgrade is part of the conclusion of the first phase of the project to implement technological infrastructure in the various docks under Ports auspices.

Pizá Batiz said the action provides an additional attraction for cruise companies, providing a secure connection to carry out all embarkation and disembarkation operations for their passengers. In turn, public Wi-Fi at the docks enhances the tourist experience. It also serves as an additional persuasion for more companies to select the San Juan docks as a technologically suitable point to execute their trips in the home port modality, the Ports chief pointed out.

“With the goal of being able to compete with many other cruise ports at a technological level, we began the acquisition and implementation of equipment, creating a Wi-Fi network through the distribution of different devices, such as switches, antennas and firewalls, inside and outside the dock,” Pizá Batiz said. “This will create an environment where the visiting public will be granted a stable, secure, high-speed internet connection.”

He added that Ports will also be providing network connection to the vessels, which will be able to use fiber optic connection, copper, Wi-Fi or a combination.

“They will be given a dedicated connection so that they can conduct their operations,” the official said. “This first phase will cover acquisition, development and implementation of the technology at Pier 4. The second phase will cover the Pan American docks.”

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