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PDP board approves all resolutions presented at party meeting

Popular Democratic Party President Jesús Manuel Ortiz González

By The Star Staff

Popular Democratic Party (PDP) President Jesús Manuel Ortiz González announced earlier this week that the party’s governing board approved all of the resolutions that had been presented to it.

“We have a lot of work to do, so after the transition process and a month after taking office, today we present to the Governing Board our projects and ideas focused mainly on reorganization and electoral preparation,” Ortiz González said in a written statement. “These resolutions were endorsed by the [board] members. I am sure that the creation of these groups, which were part of my campaign for the presidency, will yield the fruit we are waiting for and put the PDP in a position to win the next elections.”

Among others, a resolution was presented that will allow the creation and appointment of a chief financial officer, who will plan and execute the financial planning of the PDP. The appointment must ensure that the institution has the necessary resources to operate and that it maintains stability in its economic resources throughout the year.

“With this appointment, we seek that the party has a recurring person in charge of gathering economic resources that allow its daily operation,” the party president said. “This official, among other things, will be in charge of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and supervising the financial activities of the People’s Democratic Party, raising resources and ensuring fundraising.”

In addition, a resolution was also presented by Enid Monge, a representative of small and midsize enterprises, so that the party approves a motion rejecting the debt adjustment plan for the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority. The bankrupt utility’s debt plan has drawn criticism from various island sectors as representing another increase in the electricity bill that will hit consumers and small and midsize merchants especially hard.

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