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Measure requires specifics for achieving renewable energy goal

Writer: The San Juan Daily StarThe San Juan Daily Star

House Government Committee Chairman Víctor Parés Otero
House Government Committee Chairman Víctor Parés Otero

By The Star Staff

House Government Committee Chairman Víctor Parés Otero announced Monday the introduction of a measure requiring the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau (PREB) to establish the percentage of renewable energy that must be produced every five years to achieve the goal of completely eliminating fossil fuels by 2050.

Under the legislation, starting in 2025, and for each subsequent five-year period, the PREB will submit a report to the Legislature detailing its determination regarding the required percentage of renewable energy. The report will include justifications and document all efforts made to responsibly reduce dependence on fossil fuel-derived energy sources until they are fully eliminated.

“We have been consistent from day one: Puerto Rico must transition to renewable energy sources quickly. It is urgent to eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels,” said Parés, who represents San Juan District 4 in the lower chamber. “We also need to establish real and verifiable metrics to ensure that the island’s electricity generation industry meets the requirement of 100 percent clean energy sources by 2050. In response, we have filed House Bill 422, which gives the PREB the authority to determine the necessary percentage every five years to achieve this goal.”

“The PREB will make its determination based on studies, market data, and other relevant variables that ensure the stability of the electrical system without compromising the energy supply for customers,” the New Progressive Party legislator added. “Currently, oil generates 47.4 percent of Puerto Rico’s electricity, followed by gas at 33 percent and coal at approximately 16 percent. Our dependence on fossil fuels is unsustainable; we pay roughly double what residents of the states pay for the same amount of energy. On average, we spend about $1.5 billion annually on fossil fuel purchases, a figure that often increases due to market fluctuations. This measure will help ensure that this cost decreases significantly every five years.”

The bill amends Article 2.3 of Act No. 82-2010, also known as the “Public Policy Act for Energy Diversification Through Sustainable and Alternative Renewable Energy in Puerto Rico,” to establish that the PREB will determine the percentage of energy production from renewable sources needed to reach 100 percent by 2050.

In accordance with Act 82-2010, the island government adopted a renewable energy portfolio applicable to all retail energy providers in Puerto Rico. The portfolio sets mandatory goals for reducing conventional energy use and increasing renewable energy use that each retail energy provider must meet to achieve 100 percent renewable energy by 2050.

To ensure compliance with the goal of 100 percent renewable energy by 2050, the government must establish a mechanism that enables the gradual achievement of the required percentage without negatively impacting energy supply or costs for customers, according to the new legislation. Additionally, the bill says, such a mechanism must consider scientific and market data, allowing the government to evaluate progress with concrete metrics.



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