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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Governor supports Harris for president

Gov. Pedro Pierluisi Urrutia voiced his support for Harris on Monday.


While the governor of Puerto Rico threw his hat behind U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris to replace President Joe Biden in the 2024 race after he withdrew from the running, his colleague from the U.S. Virgin Islands refrained from doing so.

Gov. Pedro Pierluisi Urrutia, a lifelong Democrat, voiced his support for Harris on Monday, highlighting her strong credentials.

“As Governor of Puerto Rico, I endorse Kamala Harris for President of the United States. Vice President Harris is uniquely qualified to hold the highest elected position in our nation. She has been loyal and trustworthy at President Biden’s side in this administration. She has also served with great distinction in the United States Senate and as Attorney General of California,” Pierluisi said in written statements.

Biden endorsed Harris Sunday after he resigned from his reelection campaign amid criticism that questioned his ability to lead the United States for four more years.

The vice president accepted Biden’s nomination on Sunday. Since then, she has received the endorsement of significant influencers among Democrats, such as former President Bill Clinton.

The head of the local Democratic Party, Charlie Rodriguez, said that given that the general election and the Democratic Party Convention, which is on August 19, are very near, Harris represents the best alternative and continuity of Biden’s work for Puerto Rico.

Virgin Islands Gov. Albert Bryan took a different approach, emphasizing his commitment to the democratic process and the needs of the Virgin Islands. He stated that he would not be endorsing a specific candidate to replace Biden, a decision that underscores his dedication to ensuring the needs of his community are heard and addressed.

“I need to clarify that my recent comments weren’t meant as an official endorsement of any candidate for the Democratic Presidential Nominee. I just acknowledged Vice President Harris’s leadership and commitment to social justice. Let me be clear: I will fully support whoever becomes the Democratic nominee,” he said.

He added, “No matter who the next president is, they need to focus on the unique challenges faced by the U.S. Virgin Islands and other territories. I support policies and actions that help our community and ensure we are treated equally.”

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