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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Gigantes capture their 18th BSNF title

The Gigantes de Carolina defeated the Atenienses de Manatí, 74-63, on Monday night to win their 18th Women’s National Superior Basketball championship.

By The Star Staff

The Gigantes de Carolina won their 18th Women’s National Superior Basketball (BSNF by its Spanish initials) championship on Monday night by defeating the Atenienses de Manatí, 74-63.

“How proud we are of our Giants! They achieved it once again and our City celebrates its eighteenth national championship,” Carolina Mayor José Carlos Aponte said in a written statement. “We are grateful for the effort that each of the team members made to achieve this important victory. Their sporting discipline and their desire to succeed led them, minute by minute, to defend on their court the historic feat of being the greatest champions of this sport and one more example of what it means to be a true giant.”

“My congratulations to William and José Meléndez, team representatives, to the coach, Carlos Calcaño, his assistants and the entire technical team for this historic victory,” the mayor added. “We continue to promote sports among the youth and children of our City and with this important championship, we motivate them to continue investing their time in positive events like this and to overcome all the obstacles that life presents them until they can achieve their goals.”

The team was made up of its captain, Tayra Meléndez, Rodsán Rodríguez, Teana Muldrow, Doniyah Shantell Cliney, Damika Martinez, Brandy Tweed, Gabriela Cardy Rodriguez, Glennys Rosa, Antigonie Sanabria, Elemy Colome, Elymaries Rodríguez, Charity Harris, Selena Lott, Kiara Quiñonez, Valeria Verdejo, Eugene Artau and Jill Towsend.

The celebration culminated with a fireworks show, live music and the official presentation of a special trophy prepared by the Municipality of Carolina to capture the historic moment of the team’s 18th title victory.

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