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Estudios Técnicos purchases Consumer@Site

By The Star Staff

Estudios Técnicos Inc. (ETI) has acquired Consumer@Site, expanding its capacity in “mystery shopper” and consumer experience services.

The acquisition will complement the consumer behavior services ETI has offered over the past 25 years.

Founded by Juan Charana, Consumer@Site has distinguished itself as the leading “mystery shoppers” company in Puerto Rico, with more than 20 years of providing services that integrate innovative technology in the evaluations carried out by unknown clients about the processes and quality of the services of companies in various sectors, an ETI release notes.

“Through the acquisition of Consumer@Site, we seek to provide companies and businesses in the country with the most innovative and robust tools to understand consumer behavior and design strategies to strengthen the consumer experience with brands,” ETI President Graham Castillo said.

ETI is a leading consulting, research and technical advisory firm in Puerto Rico, established more than 38 years ago and composed of an interdisciplinary team of more than 38 experts in market strategies, economics, planning, social and economic policies, and data analytics, among other areas.

Among the services provided by ETI’s Consumer Behavior and Market Strategies Division are: design and management of customer experience (ETICX), digitalized “mystery shopping”, as well as surveys, focus groups, ethnographic studies, pre- and post-campaign studies, brand health studies, online consumer panels, and data analytics with artificial intelligence, among others.

“The combination of mystery shopping with consumer experience techniques, ETICX, represents a powerful information tool for companies, in a context where change is constant and in which the customer prioritizes their experience with the brand,” said Cristina Vargas, director of the Consumer Behavior and Market Strategies Division of ETI, who also is certified in the design and management of customer experience.

Through services such as ETICX, Vargas added, companies can collect information about their customers’ experience and manage detractors in real-time at the different points of contact between the company and its consumer.

In the case of the “mystery shopper” service, Vargas highlighted that ETI, through the acquisition of Consumer@Site, will expand its capacity and incorporate new technology to carry out observations and identify areas of opportunity associated with improving quality of service and customer service & sales processes in very short times. Consumer@Site studies have a quality control process through which 100% of the reports are validated and sent to the client within 72 hours of the visit.

Consumer@Site is a global Mystery Shopping Providers Organization member.

“At ETI we welcome companies that are part of our clientele. Its [Consumer@Site’s] services will expand to other companies interested in these services,” Castillo said. “Through this acquisition, at ETI we reaffirm our commitment to offering the highest quality services and to having the most innovative technologies and techniques, to meet the needs of companies and businesses.”

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