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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Commercial ties strengthened during Puerto Rican Week in NYC

The United Retailers Center, or CUD, was among a Puerto Rico delegation of more than 900 people who proudly represented the island at Sunday’s National Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York City.

By The Star Staff

With the return of more than 90% of the members of the Puerto Rican delegation who traveled to New York City to participate in the activities of Puerto Rican Week and this past Sunday’s 67th edition of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade along Fifth Avenue, the commitment of the Puerto Rico government, including the Legislature, and private companies to support the organization that directs the largest Hispanic cultural event in the city came full circle.

Among the most important activities of the week were the “Conversation” aimed at helping small and midsize enterprises in Puerto Rico, the meeting with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of New York and the stop on Fifth Avenue that highlighted the interest of the delegation that traveled to New York to maintain unity with the island diaspora residing in the United States.

“It is important to note that the Conversation had positive effects to such an extent that there are already six companies in Puerto Rico that will initiate procedures with the Office of the Governor of the State of New York to obtain help and incentives that allow them to market products that they make on the island,” said José J. Taboada de Jesús, vice president of the committee responsible for coordinating the island delegation’s agenda.

Among the speakers participating in the Conversation on SMEs in Puerto Rico were Ramón González Simounet, president of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Puerto Rico; Luis Alemany, president of the Economic Development Bank of Puerto Rico; Marlene Cintrón, director of Region 2 of the U.S. Small Business Administration; and Lourdes Aponte Rodríguez, president of the United Retailers Center of Puerto Rico.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul was represented by Robert Rodríguez, president & CEO of the powerful Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, or DASNY.

As part of the activity, the 2024 Awards were presented to companies and individuals who have stood out in their careers, such as Campofresco, producer of the famous Jugo Lotus; Tienda Sesto de Aguadilla, which is on its way to celebrating 100 years of marketing handicrafts from Puerto Rico; the newspaper La Voz Internacional; and the Empire Gas Group, for its 57-year history of service in the management and distribution of propane.

The more than 900 members of the Puerto Rican delegation made up of mayors, members of the island House of Representatives and Senate, the CROEM ALUMNI group from Mayagüez, the United Retailers Center, Salsa con Estilo de Guayama and Campofresco-Jugo Lotus were among the parade’s frontmost contingents, located just behind that of New York Mayor Eric Adams.

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