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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

$103 million in PAN benefits issued for September

Designated Family Secretary Ciení Rodríguez Troche

By The Star Staff

Gov. Pedro Pierluisi announced on Monday the issuance of $103 million in benefits through the Nutrition Assistance Program (PAN by its Spanish acronym) for September, available as of yesterday, as part of a redistribution of resources before a potential Oct. 1 federal fiscal shutdown.

“This assistance is an essential part of our public policy, significantly helping in the health and well-being of families,” Pierluisi said in a written statement.

Seniors and residents of the offshore island municipalities of Vieques and Culebra will see an increase in their benefits. For example, families will receive about 55% more in monthly benefits during this month.

The PAN program currently benefits more than 755,000 families, including seniors, people who report income from work and people with disabilities.

Designated Family Secretary Ciení Rodríguez Troche emphasized the advantage of the redistribution of funds in administrative or programmatic areas, which are then redistributed directly to program participants.

Alberto Fradera, who heads the Family Socioeconomic Development Administration (ADSEF by its Spanish initials), stressed the importance of families carrying out the review process through ADSEF Digital to remain enrolled as PAN beneficiaries.

For more information, citizens can call the PAN helpline on their Family Card, or contact 311 or the nearest local ADSEF office.

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